Posted by matijs
21/06/2007 at 12h58
The Problem
You have built a home server slash PVR that you want to hook up to your
twenty-year-old television. You have gone to several shops to buy
a graphics card that actually has open-source drivers for
its TV output functionality (i.e., the ATI Radeon A9250). You have dodged
salesmen trying to sell you something else (“No, but here is its successor
the NVidia so-and-so.” “Uhm, no thanks.”). You finally succeeded by ordering
it over the Interweb (and probably should have done that in the first
place). Now you want to patch the driver shipped by Ubuntu to actually get
TV output working.
howto, software
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Posted by matijs
18/06/2007 at 14h50
I’ve been using svk for a while now, but I keep bumping into problems with the whole concept of tags being just copies.
The problem is this: In my mind, a tag should be a symbolic name for a particular revision on a particular branch. In subversion (and hence, svk), it’s not. To use a tag in place of a revision, you first have to do svn info
to find the corresponding revision number, and then use that in your svn diff
or svn merge
or whatever.
Subversion should have had a smarter client from the start, one that emulates tags and branches and hides the implementation detail that they are ‘really the same thing’ from the user.
As it stands, subversion has no tagging.
It’s all very annoying.
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Posted by matijs
14/04/2007 at 14h42
Setting the stage
Some time ago, I came across SQLDSL, a DSL for building SQL queries. The benefit of using a DSL over plain old string concatenation is that syntax is checked before the database server is hit. Unfortunately, SQLDSL does not deliver. It will happily accept
q = Insert.into[“frot”][“zop”][“blob”].values(“kng”).values[“kgn”]
resulting in
=> “insert into ‘frot’ (zop) (blob) values (‘kng’) values () (kgn)”
which is hardly acceptable SQL.
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Posted by matijs
20/03/2007 at 18h27
I don’t use the crontab
command on my own machines (I just put files in /etc/cron*
), but recent experience on another machine made me wonder why crontab has the following options (this is from crontab --help
-e (edit user's crontab)
-l (list user's crontab)
-r (delete user's crontab)
Right. E is for edit, L is for list, R is for delete. Makes sense. And as a bonus, it is easier to accidentally delete your crontab when you want to edit it.
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Posted by matijs
13/02/2007 at 09h43
Last night, I had a dream. There was a gathering of people for dinner. It
was probably not my house. I mean, it didn’t look like my actual house, but
in my dream it was also not my house. We sat at a table with a thick rough
wooden top. The light was soft, coming mostly from the simple lamp hanging
over the table. The floor was also wooden, as were the low shelves lining
the walls at the other side of the room.
I was sitting at the head of the table. I’m not that tall, so I was looking
slightly up at the other people at the table. On the second chair to my
left sat a young man who was somehow connected to Microsoft. Probably he
worked there. He was very enthousiastic about Vista.
At some point he said something that really upset me. I think it was about
how something could not be fixed, and users just had to either live with
it, or buy something new. I told him, how can he say that when there are
people how have to get by on very little money, and can’t afford to buy the
shiney new stuff, and that Bill Gates is really out of touch with reality.
I don’t remember the exact words, but I was clearly very angry. The young man decided this animosity was too much for him, and left.
Afterwards, I was standing on the other side of the room, shaking so badly
that I dropped two glasses that I was trying to drink from to calm down on
the floor.
life, software
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Posted by matijs
22/01/2007 at 13h21
For some applications, a spreadsheet is the perfect development
environment. The UI is a no-brainer, while the relations between the
different values is clearly visible, and changes are automatically
propagated from what could be called properties to derived values.
The problem is, of course, that you’re missing out on the features a
programming language could offer. Macros are basically a dead end, unless
you like to solve user issues like ‘It doesn’t work because I disabled all
What I want is something that gives me this easy linking within a model and
between model and UI, but from withing Ruby. It is my prefered solution to
the Gnome on Rails problem.
Cells for Common Lisp promises to
take care of the automatic propagation and dependencies between cells:
Cells is a mature, stable extension to CLOS that allows you to create
classes, the instances of which have slots whose values are determined by a
formula. Think of the slots as cells in a spreadsheet (get it?), and you’ve
got the right idea. You can use any arbitrary Common Lisp expression to
specify the value of a cell. The Cells system takes care of tracking
dependencies among cells, and propagating values.
That seems to take care of the automatic updating of derived values. The
second part is the no-brain-UI. What’s needed for that is a dead-simple way
to link settable values to input widgets (text boxes, spin buttons, etc.),
and to link derived cell values to labels. By dead-simple I mean that it
should be done in at most one line per widget/value pair.
It seems for that part, the solution would be to use
Cells transparently link GUI elements with each other and the
application model to greatly simplify development of rich interfaces. Cells
also automate how Lisp GUI instances drive their GTK+ counterparts.
Sounds great!
The problem (for me at least) is that this is all in Lisp, and I don’t know
Lisp yet. So, I want this, but in Ruby (since that’s the language I like to
use most right now). Some basic ingredients are already there: We can use
blocks as formulas for the derived values, and there’s the Observable
module. Also, Ruby has bindings for Gtk+.
I have some more wishes, but they’re mostly about Gtk+, so I leave those
till later.
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Posted by matijs
18/01/2007 at 18h59
Without an e writes
Well, ruby just isn’t that much better than python. If I’m going to
relearn everything, why would I bother with ruby? Why not just jump
straight to lisp?
I can really appreciate this argument, since it resonates with my reasons
for not learning Python: I knew Perl, and was doing most of my programming
in it, making nicely structured, readable, object-oriented programs. To me,
Python didn’t seem like such a big step forward: It’s like a Perl with
enforced readability.
And then came Ruby.
My introduction to Ruby was not through Rails, but through reading the
online version of the Pickaxe Book. After reading the first chapter, I was
sold. Here was a language that truly embraced object-orientation, and gave
access to all kinds of interesting abstractions that I had only vaguely
heard of (such as coroutines). There also was a pleasant lack of
So to me, Ruby is that much better than Perl, whereas Python is not. I
wouldn’t know if I agree that Ruby is not that much better than Python, but
at least I can understand the argument. Ruby is certainly no Lisp, although
it comes close.
So what’s next? Lisp’s features certainly look appealing, giving basically
the pinnacle of power of abstraction, in exchange for slightly unappealing
syntax. I believe the syntax can be overcome, so my next language to learn
may well be a Lisp. Which Lisp is still an open question. On the other
hand, there are interesting languages like Erlang, ML and the like.
[Incidentally, Without an e is the creator of
Scarlet Lambda, which
is roughly a web framework written in, or at least used with, a functional
style of programming in Python, with a Lisp-like syntax. Wow.]
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Posted by matijs
18/10/2006 at 10h29
Peter Armstrong hits it right on the head:
People Need Gaudy Shit
Instead of having a loose set of things that work, that are generally or even just sometimes good, that we mix and match according to the circumstances, we get everything put together in a box with a nice bow on top. Then, if you don’t use everything in the box, you’re an infidel.
I remember the first time I came across Extreme Programming (XP). I was at a bookshop looking to buy Design Patterns. This was some time ago, but there already were lots of books on XP. Most titles sounded like “XP explained yet again in a different way”. Marketing, indeed.
The thing is, talking a lot to your customers and pair programming have nothing to do with each other. Nothing at all. Both can be good ideas, depending on the circumstances.
When I write software at home, for myself, of course I can’t do pair programming. When I write something that only I will use, there’s no point in talking to my customers. I almost always use unit testing and version control. Using that for a one-off script written in ten minutes is insane.
I could make my own list of what works here, but Robert Fuller has done a pretty good job.
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Posted by matijs
06/09/2006 at 16h36
One of the reasons I have a dislike for both Java and the main .NET langauges, VB.NET and C#, is the ridiculous verbosity involved in creating and filling an object variable. Typically, what you get is something like:
Some.Deep.Namespace.Structure.SomeClass foo = new Some.Deep.Namespace.Structure.SomeClass();
The repitition of the class name makes the horrid namespace nesting twice as bad. And no, this is not about typing, this most definitely is about reading.
So, you can imagine my pleasant suprise when, belatedly, I came across a discussion of var. Basically, var
is a new keyword in the upcoming C# 3.0 that allows you to do this:
var foo = new Some.Deep.Namespace.Structure.SomeClass();
And then, and this is the good part, the C# compiler will infer that foo
is a variable of type Some.[..].SomeClass
and will complain if you try to store anything else in it.
Same type safety with half the reading. Excellent.
Now, that’s not all. It turns out there’s a lot more interesting stuff coming in C# 3.0, making it more concise and powerful.
1 Yes, I’m aware that ML does this and even more.
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Posted by matijs
01/09/2006 at 16h31
One of the reasons I enjoyed learning Ruby is that it allowed me to
understand and then use new abstractions. Not all of these are absent from
other languages, but Ruby made them comprehensible for me, so they became
part of my toolbox, if you will.
What this means is that I can write code that does the same thing in fewer
lines, and this in turn makes it easier to keep an overview of all of that
At the same time, there is a whole group of programmers who completely
seem to have missed the abstractions train, or even the abstractions
road. They’re plowing along in the fields, barely able to divide their code
into subroutines beyond the ones forced upon them by their IDEs. These are
the people who write (whitespace added for clarity):
do\_d do\_a do\_b do\_c do\_e do\_a do\_b do\_c do\_f
If the same five things need to be done a hundred times in a given source
file, that’s five hundred lines right there. The abstraction of the
subroutine is not an automatism for them.
So what does it matter whether people get taught programming in Java or in
Ruby, if no-one stops them from creating thousand-line subroutines? I really
wouldn’t know.
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